Call For Presentations - 2024 PLRB Large Loss Conference

The PLRB 2024 Large Loss Conference will be held October 23-25, 2024, in Tampa Florida.

This is a unique conference, where attendees are sophisticated and experienced property and casualty claim professionals looking for new and better ways of adjusting losses of over $100,000. Instead of lectures, it offers adjuster-led interactive workshops that critically examine the issues of a particular claim, similar to a file review discussion of a large, complex case. Co-presenters should be subject matter experts who played important roles in the claim.

We invite you to submit a proposal to deliver a dynamic educational workshop within one of three tracks of classes: Personal lines-property, Commercial lines-property, or Casualty.

The Large Loss Conference has unique requirements for proposals including:

For a sample proposal, visit here. Please click on "submit topic" to add the details for your proposal.

The presentation should follow the life of the particular claim (or you may create a fictitious claim with issues from a variety of claims), including the obstacles and challenges it presents during the initial, the middle, and the closing parts of the claim. Each workshop is two hours in length and will be delivered twice at the Large Loss Conference.

The Large Loss Planning Committee reviews all presentation proposals and will select the very best sixteen workshops for the 2023 conference.

If you have additional questions or would like to discuss any aspect of this program, please contact PLRB staff at 630-724-2200.

Submissions will open on January 8, 2024, and are due by Friday, February 9, 2024. Announcements of selected workshops and presenters will be made in late March/April.

Click HERE if you have previously submitted a topic for a PLRB conference.

Click HERE if this is your first time submitting.